Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 6 Goals...

Now that I made it through the week I need to address the goals that I want to accomplish in the next 300+ days. Some might say they are resolutions. Every year people (including me in the past) make new years resolutions just to break them. It's like they are meant to be broken. Why is it that only at the start of a new year, we re-evaluate our lives. We see what we don't like or just want to change about ourselves and set an action plan to change. I think we as people should grow continously throughout the year which is partly where the idea of this blog came from. It also came from me being completley single and ready to get my life in order.
So here are the list of things I wish to accomplish:
  1. Loose weight. I am currently 5 feet 7 inches and 175lbs. I have been this weight for 4 years. I use to be 145. By the end of this 300 days I want to be back at the 145. I will research different weight loss avenues and share them with you. I will also keep track of my progress on this blog.
  2. Get in shape. I haven't been in shape in awhile. I will try out new physical activities such as utilizing the gym at work, taking a yoga class, taking my dog Rex out for long walks, bowling, running and playing sports.
  3. I will financially start a savings plan. I will come up with and keep a budget to get back on track. I will also minimize my outstanding debt.
  4. I will purchase a car!!!
  5. I will find new things to interest me besides reading.
  6. I will go on a vacation
  7. I will research and enroll in school by the end of this year for my new chosen field
  8. I will start dating again.
  9. I will move out of my apartment to some new place that inspires me.
  10. I will stay sober and smoke free!!!

I can always change my goals or add more. I know it's a long list but I am up to the task. Tomorrow is the start of me making things happen. Tonight, I am going to finish watching Love Actually and enjoy the rest of my weekend!

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